Fragile II: a Collection of Vulnerability

So, my newest book is currently available for pre-order and set to release May 16, 2023!

Let’s talk about this collection of poetry and prose, with pieces written during the most mentally, emotionally, and spiritually transformative period of my life, and the intention behind its release.

I wrote a lot between the years 2017 and 2022. 

I honestly feel like I died and was reborn at least one hundred times. Starting from a point where I felt stagnant and unfulfilled, then throughout the journey of diving into those emotions and doing the work to get myself back in motion. 

It was a lot. 

And I just kept writing through it all. Through the growing and outgrowing, the emptiness in company that should have felt like home, and the solitude that ripped me apart and ultimately put me back together.

I think any period in life can feel like this. There is no certain age range where this is guaranteed to happen and no age range that makes it too late. You can rediscover yourself as many times as you need. As many times as you want to.

We all have a specific purpose in this life. This experience. And I believe a part of everyones’ purpose is to remember who we are. And this lesson is constant. I’m not sure if we ever receive the full answer at once, but you’ll always feel what is wrong or right for you at any given time. Becoming cognizant of this during the transition from my mid to late-twenties was perfectly harsh. Like, I’m already being forced to level-up in adulthood, I gotta become aware of my shadows and put in extra work to align with my highest self too?

Perfectly harsh is the only appropriate way I can think to explain it. Because it was hella difficult, but it was hella needed. I didn’t just grow up with time, I grew deep within.

And I just kept writing through it all. Partly to release everything inside of me and keep it from building up, and partly to review and examine how I was feeling. I was learning how to trust myself, going from immediately seeking advice from everyone to giving myself time to make my own decisions. I learned how to be nicer to myself. I learned myself, period.

So, a lot of pieces are from when I was lost and a lot are from when I was partially found. A lot of pieces are in the heart of epiphanies and a lot are from within the midst of struggling. A lot when my heart was full, a lot when I was lonely and depleted. Recording these stages and phases helped me so much, now in sharing them I hope they will help others. 

The intention behind Fragile II is to leave you with something that can accompany you through every stage of your life. I want this book to give you what you need right when you need it. Whether that’s comfort, hope, relief, or perhaps another way to express and examine how you feel. I hope if you ever struggle to find the words, this book will give them to you. Or if you just need a break from this world, this book will safely take you to another one. 

If this sounds like something you can get jiggy with, you can pre-order Fragile II now from your favorite book retailers. Google it, baby. But here are links to Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

I can’t wait to connect and share this new project with you all. I hope it truly resonates with your soul.

I also recorded a spoken word album that is set to release in May as well! I definitely should expound on this because it was so much fun to do and something I’ve always wanted to do, but it’s not available for pre-order and will only be accessible on its release date! So, I’ll give the full breakdown about me setting up a studio in my closet and everything when I can also give you a link to access the finished product on all streaming platforms. *wink*

Talk soon, 



Fragile II: a book... and a Spoken Word Album?


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